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Welcome to the 2021-2022 Academic Year!

This year will run from 17th August 2021 – 16th June 2022
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72 Medals won at the Zambia Nationals by BMIS

The Zambia Nationals was held from the 21-23rd March 2019 in Lusaka. 18 Swimmers represented BMIS. The event was a great success with over 85% personal best success rate being achieved. It was a great way to cap off the season. Seventy two medals were won over the course of the weekend. 20 Gold medals,...
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Our Swim team does it again!

Congratulations to the BMIS swim team that won the Inter-schools swimming gala by over 70 points last weekend! It is the third year in a row that BMIS have been named champions which shows what dedication and commitment can achieve. A massive well done to all of the children who swam!
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The Indian High Commissioner visits BMIS

A heartfelt thank you to The Indian High Commissioner for visiting the BMIS library and donating books during the Christmas break.
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International Day 2017

A very BIG WOW! It has been one of our biggest of our biggest International Day Parade with 61 different nationalities were represented this year. Apart from our school community celebrating our shared values while appreciating our individual cultures and backgrounds, we went deeper during our International Day and our theme was tackling issues of...
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The Canterbury Tales

The recent production of The Canterbury Tales is an example of how balanced our students are. Over 50 students from Year 7 through to Year 13 were involved in the cast or backstage crew. Members of the Student Council, Honor Roll students, students who joined BMIS in August this year, outstanding athletes, and students who...
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Year 5: Fundraising for Luwawa School’s children

Year 5 have had a wonderful and productive time inquiring into how the access to opportunity affects equality. We have learnt the rights that children have in the classroom and the wider world, whilst also considering the responsibilities attached to them. We also investigated how our rights are protected by the UNCRC. After this we...
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Week Without Walls 2017

Warm greetings from the Service Learning team, Mr Nettleton and Mr Karakashian. It has been a busy and exciting start to the year in terms of Service – with a handful of new partner organisations being introduced at the first ever Service Partner Exhibition. Year 8 – 10 students have made a great start to...
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Graduating Class of 2017

It’s been such an exciting year for the Class of 2017! – So far, the 21 students have received over 60 university admission offers in North America, the United Kingdom and the Middle East! – Scholarship offers totaling over $150,000/year! – 10 Students graduated with honors! – 2 Students received the Head Teacher’s Award! We...
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Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities, designed to support the personal and social development of young people aged 14-24, regardless of gender, background and ability. It offers an individual challenge and encourages young people to undertake exciting, constructive, challenging and enjoyable activities in their free...
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