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Beyond The Classroom

After School Activities

An essential element of all three IB programmes is the progressive development of children taking an active role in local and global communities. In the Primary School, children take part in curriculum activities as well as after school programmes where they participate in fundraising and events with local charities, orphanages and community projects. The local Ndi Moyo, Operation Smile and orphanage are a few projects that the children are currently actively working on. In the recent past, children have also run briquette making, recycling and collaboration with less fortunate children in Lilongwe schools.Taking action is a common theme through all IB programmes. Progressively through the school, students’ involvement takes on different perspectives as they mature and able to not only participate, but also actively organize events and activities. A Community and Service component is built into the MYP framework. In the Diploma, Community Action and Service (CAS) is a compulsory element of the programme required for full graduation.

In the 2016-17 academic year, the Week Without Walls program was successfully introduced for BMIS Secondary Students, where they experience learning outside the classrooms in line with the CAS strands.


Sports are a popular choice for students where involvement may be for recreation or for competitive games. Swimming is a very popular activity, since the weather in the first and second terms allows for maximum use of the outside swimming pools. Football, basketball, rugby and hockey are also popular sports, but the school also arranges tennis, karate, table tennis, ballet, chess, photo-club and a wide range of other activities to suit all interests and abilities. BMIS regularly competes with other schools in Lilongwe and Malawi (often a 4-5 hour bus ride away) as well as international tournaments.

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