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Grievance Procedures

Community and Parents/Guardians’ Complaints and Grievances

The following procedure is designed to allow all parents of children in the school to make complaints or to express concerns to the school in a manner that ensures fairness and integrity to all concerned. lt is felt that this procedure will provide the quickest possible solution to a problem, whilst also allowing time for ‘cooling off’ and reflection.

Any complaint should be made on an individual basis, not on behalf of anyone else.

If parents have a complaint or a matter of concern, they are advised in the first instance to try to sort the matter out by speaking with the teacher concerned. The teacher concerned should report back in a time not exceeding three school days.

If they are unable to do this, or if such action has not resolved the matter, or if the concern is of a non- educational nature, they should bring the matter to the attention of the relevant Head Teacher.

The Head will listen to or read, in the case of a written communication, and record the complaint. The Head will advise the parents when they should expect an initial response, which should be within five school days. In the meantime, the Head will talk to all parties concerned in the complaint and come to a decision about the action required.

A. Complaints About School Staff 

Complaints regarding a member of the staff should be referred to the Director. The Director shall then initiate an appropriate investigation into that complaint, at an appropriate level, within the management structure of the school.

B. Due Process Rights of Complainant

Where there is a complaint against an employee of the school, the complainant has the right to require a full account of the process and outcome of the investigation into the complaint, from the Director.

Where the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of this process, s/he may request referral of that complaint to the Board. In such circumstances, the complainant is required to issue a written request detailing the nature of the complaint to the Director, who will take it to the next Board meeting as an agenda item. The complainant may be invited to address the Board on the issue.

The Board may recommend a course of action, or reach a decision on the matter. In all cases, the decision of the Board is binding on all parties.

C. Due Process Rights of Staff

Where there is a complaint from a community member against a member of staff, regarding professional or personal behaviour, the staff member has the right to a full written account of the nature of the complaint, provided by the Director, or by the complainant.

The complainant has full right to require the Director to make explicit the process of the investigation, and to respond fully in writing to the complaint.

In the event that the complaint is not resolved within the school, and is referred to the Board, the staff member has the right to read the written submission by the complainant to the Board, and to respond in writing to the Board, prior to the meeting at which the complaint is being considered.

The Board must invite the staff member to address the meeting, if it has invited the complainant to do so. The decision of the Board in this process is final.

D. Handling Complaints and Complaints Procedure

The Director will ensure that complaints are handled objectively, and that thorough and balanced investigation is carried out, according to BMIS policy and procedure.

The Director shall decide at which level a complaint should be handled. The complainant shall have the right to request adjudication by the Board, subject to policy, if s/he is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, and/or the nature of remediation measures taken.

E. Reporting the Outcome to Parties Involved

Where a complaint has been lodged and investigated, the outcome will be communicated to both parties involved, verbally, by the Director or delegate. A written summary of the outcome will be placed on the personnel file of the employee concerned, whether the outcome is negative or positive, after that summary has been presented to the employee concerned in full.

No written summary will be provided to the complainant, but the BMIS Director may provide a verbal summary.

F. Appeal by Complainant

Beyond appeal as outlined, there is no further mechanism for appeal against the outcome of investigation of a complaint. Complainants may of course use full recourse to legal representation, if they consider the outcome of an appeal to be unsatisfactory.

G. Complaints About the Curriculum or Materials

Complaints regarding curriculum or materials should be referred initially to the relevant Head of Primary or Head of Secondary. If not dealt with adequately at the initial level of complaint, the Director shall then decide at which level the complaint shall be pursued.

H. Investigation of Complaint

The Director shall ensure that an objective and balanced investigation is carried out into the complaint, in the context of the philosophy and curriculum of the school.

I. Handling Complaints and Complaints Procedure

The Director shall ensure that the complainant submits a written description of the matter causing concern, and shall provide a written response personally or through the appropriate Head of Primary or Secondary to the complainant, detailing the process of the investigation, and its findings.

J. Appeal by Complainant

If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation, he or she may require the Director to refer the matter for the consideration of the full Board. The full Board will then rule on an appropriate course of action. This may be a decision to accept the Director’s response as adequate, to amend the Director’s response (in which case no further appeal is entertained), or to refer the matter for further investigation to an appropriate body. If dissatisfied with the outcome of appeal, a complainant has recourse to legal representation.