2024 EAMUN Conference


The 42nd EAMUN conference theme was Yibambe. Yibambe, is a phrase you may have heard from Black Panther and Endgame. The definition of Yibambe is staying determined and preserving even in the face of adversity! Yibambe, was the perfect word to describe this year’s EAMUN. 

Despite the rollercoaster of emotions and nerves, the overwhelming amount of joy overpowered every other emotion. There are no words to describe the feeling of sitting in the general assembly in a room filled with 900 delegates at the UN headquarters in Nairobi. It was truly a blessing and privilege. 


The first day started us off in full swing! Our delegates made us proud in Ecology, despite their resolution not being passed. Caren Kampondamgaga presented our resolution, followed by an amendment by Maya Munro and Ishika Vajpai to support. In the Historical Decisions Committee, Mwayi Mhango delivered a strong opening statement. Fatima Kasmani represented Canada in a case against Syria in the International Court of Justice. The first day of the conference came to an end with a whopping majority of our delegates having the opportunity to speak, debate, and voice their opinions.


With an exciting end to the first day of the conference, we were refreshed and back at UNON on the second day, Fatima concluded her case with the judging panel unanimously voting in favour of Canada!! As a guest speaker for ICJ, the applicant was under pressure and Fatima swooped in and provided the court with her knowledge and understanding of the issue. In the Special Summit, Tamanda delivered a closing statement for the opposition team debating the use of fossil fuels in African nations. Ishika was able to offer two points of information. Although the second day was slow-paced, the night ended with some smiles, laughs and jumps at the trampoline park. 


On the third day, Mwayi Mhango had an opportunity to present part of her closing statement and initiated an opening statement. Fatima with confidence spoke against the hijab ban bill in France. Mwara Manyara, Abby Rukundo, and Gedeon Rami shared a point of information, and Tamanda delivered an opening and closing statement in the Special Summit. Furthermore, in the Human Rights Committee, Mwara Manyara presented our resolution to address medical concerns in Palestine. She spoke in a commanding and confident manner, convincingly answering follow up questions. 


This resolution was passed.


Day 4 brought the end of this year’s MUN journey. Gabrielle Bizarro gave a brilliant speech on why his resolution should be supported, as well as Gedeon Raimi was able to come up to the podium and support his argument. There came the ending ceremony where we were delighted to announce that Fatima received the award for Best Applicant in the International Court of Justice and was awarded honourable mention for Best Speaker in the Human Rights Committee. Fatima represented BMIS as an exemplary student that Bishop is proud of. We are still proud of all our students who had the courage to come on this trip and represent Bishop Mackenzie in a professional way, being students the Bishop community can be proud of.



By Mwayi, Caren, and Gedeon