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October 4, 2017


Year 5: Luwawa Trip

Our opening Unit of Inquiry, ‘Equal Opportunities’, is a wonderful unit as it really gets our students to think about equality and inequality, rights and responsibilities, needs and wants, and just inquire about how we, as humans, share our planet. Our residential visits to Luwawa benefited the students by understanding about teamwork and educational inequality.
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Year 5: Fundraising for Luwawa School’s children

Year 5 have had a wonderful and productive time inquiring into how the access to opportunity affects equality. We have learnt the rights that children have in the classroom and the wider world, whilst also considering the responsibilities attached to them. We also investigated how our rights are protected by the UNCRC. After this we...
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Week Without Walls 2017

Warm greetings from the Service Learning team, Mr Nettleton and Mr Karakashian. It has been a busy and exciting start to the year in terms of Service – with a handful of new partner organisations being introduced at the first ever Service Partner Exhibition. Year 8 – 10 students have made a great start to...
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